Zearn Math for NYC Public Schools

Digital Platform Overview
Zearn Math helps all kids access grade-level math learning with built-in, differentiated support. See what’s included in the platform.
Live training with the Zearn team
Impact with Zearn Math is the result of strong implementation. Join live sessions tailored to NYC teachers and leaders.
Launch Zearn
Unpack the materials and digital platform and dive deep into a digital lesson.
Grow with Zearn Data
Learn how to interpret Zearn Math data and explore milestones in reaching a strong implementation.
NYC PS Orientation Webinar: Recording
Learn more about Zearn Math for NYC Public Schools in this on-demand webinar.
Zearn Math Kindergarten Orientation Webinar: Recording
Make the most of Zearn Math in your kindergarten classroom.
Zearn Admin Orientaion
Orient to the Zearn Math platform and explore strategies for leveraging data to celebrate and support classrooms implementing Zearn.
Lead Zearn Math
Orient to Zearnʼs approach to math learning, explore what's included in a Zearn account, and study important milestones in a strong implementation.
Zearn in your community
Teachers and families across the city use Zearn to help students catch up and move forward in math learning.
Get started
Find everything you need to get started with Zearn Math, from logging in to implementing Zearn Math in the classroom.

Download a step-by-step guide to accessing your NYC PS Zearn account.

All the info you need to get students learning with Zearn Math, all in one place.
Reach out to
Our dedicated NYC PS support team will be happy to help!