Elementary- and middle-school students who consistently used Zearn Math significantly increased scores on state assessment

2022 Louisiana State Math Assessment Results
Impact of Zearn Math on LEAP Scores

Research investigating the impact of Zearn Math offers strong evidence that consistent Zearn usage accelerates math learning for all students—including across academic and demographic student subgroups.

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Researchers analyzed how 14,232 elementary- and middle-school students across 31 Louisiana parishes performed on the 2022 Louisiana Educational Assessment Program 2025 (LEAP) state math assessment. The research, which uses a quasi-experimental research method to isolate the impact of Zearn Math on student performance, compares a sample of 7,116 students who consistently completed three or more Zearn digital lessons each week with a control sample of 7,116 matched students who did not consistently use Zearn.  Unlike a standard correlational analysis, this method allows differences in outcomes to be more confidently attributed to Zearn Math rather than other variables.

The research found:

  • Elementary and middle school students who consistently used Zearn Math scored significantly higher on 2022 LEAP than matched peers who did not use Zearn Math. This finding was consistent across Black and/or Latino students, economically disadvantaged students, multilingual learners, students in special education and chronically absent students.
  • Impact was greatest for Louisiana students not yet meeting proficiency: these students gained 1.5 to 2.0 years of math learning in one academic year when they consistently used Zearn Math.  
  • 70% of students at the lowest level of math achievement who consistently used Zearn Math improved their achievement level on the 2022 LEAP, compared to just 45% of students at the same starting level who did not use Zearn. 

Across student subgroups and math achievement levels, Louisiana students with consistent Zearn Math usage scored higher and had greater learning gains than students who did not use Zearn.

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