Summer math programs for 6th graders focused on the key 6th grade math ideas

Rising 7th grade math summer series

Zearn math for 6th graders summer program

Summer math content focused on the big ideas of 6th grade

Our curated series of 6th grade math lessons is designed for students to complete over any 4-to-6-week summer program.

Tablet with sixth grade math practice
6th Grade Math - unit rates and percentage problems.
Unit rates and percentages 6th grade math practice

Unit Rates and Percentages

14 Lessons | Grade 6 Mission 3

These 6th grade math lessons help students develop understanding of ratios and rates so that students can represent and think about them in multiple, flexible ways. These concepts will be the foundations of proportional relationships and linear equations.

Fraction math problems for 6th graders on tablet
6th Grade Math - dividing fractions

Dividing Fractions

16 Lessons | Grade 6 Mission 4

Students culminate their study of fractions as they learn to divide a fraction by a fraction, using concrete examples and real-world contexts to help them make sense of the mathematics.

Arithmetic in base ten 6th grade math problems on tablet
Math for 6th graders with base ten arithmetic problems.
6th grade math review to prepare for 7th grade math

Arithmetic in Base Ten

14 Lessons | Grade 6 Mission 5

These math lessons for 6th graders focus on bridging arithmetic from 3rd to 5th grade to the 7th grade arithmetic that requires students to deeply understand and have a higher fluency with operations.

Our approach to summer math

Zearn’s targeted summer math content series helps students build the foundations for a strong start to the upcoming school year.

Mathematics summer programs focus on big ideas to help students build math skills

Daily digital lessons build both procedural fluency and conceptual understanding of key math concepts.

Summer math program content is  based on data from billions of math problems completed on the Zearn platform

Real-time, adaptive support helps students work through challenges while maintaining grade-level rigor.

Digital math lessons for K-8 include built-in support

Detailed insights into student learning ensures educators and families know when students are on track and where they need more support.

What's included with Zearn summer math program for first grade students

What's included

Daily digital lessons with targeted support
Daily digital math lessons
  • Engaging fluency activities and interactive video lessons help students build procedural fluency and deep conceptual understanding in every lesson.
  • Real-time, adaptive support to help students work through challenges and stay on track with grade-level learning.
  • Lessons close with a mastery-based quiz that gives students the support they need until they can demonstrate 100% understanding on their own.
Real-time flexible data reporting for each student
Real-time data visibility
  • Detailed reporting for each student.
  • Flexibility to share reports with teachers or tutors.
Materials and worksheets with math problems for 1st graders to practice over the summer
Materials for hands-on problem solving
  • Instructional resources for teachers and tutors (in Spanish, too!).
Individual logins for parents, teachers and students to use
Easy account setup
  • Individual logins for all students, teachers, and tutors.
  • Paid School Accounts with premium features and content for all of the students, teachers and administrators within one school, plus dedicated implementation support.
  • Access to Zearn Help Center with 100+ help topics.


Zearn's summer program materials include teacher instructional materials for students to learn math.
Create a free account and enhance your student's problem solving math skills with our summer math camps

Create a free account to get access to all content. For districts and schools interested in targeted Spring/Summer 2023 programs, contact us.

Get started

Get started with Zearn’s free summer math programs for elementary and middle school students

Create a free account or reach out to learn more about using Zearn programmatically in your school or district.

Create a free account to access Zearn summer math materials for students and teachers